Don't give up; stand up! This ain't over. Contrary to the propaganda you see and hear in the mass media, Tuesday was not the end of the Democratic presidential primary race. Between now and June 14, there are 28 more states, territories and districts that will send delegates to the convention. Forget the superdelegates. A superdelegate is, by definition, an uncommitted delegate. Clinton only has 314 more elected delegates than Bernie. There are 2087 delegates still to be selected!
Stop talking about Trump! The media has demonstrated its hostility by its blackouts, its slanted reporting and by its snark. Ignore them. Now stop getting caught up in the fear regarding Trump. Until a candidate is nominated by the delegates votes, at the convention, he is irrelevant. If he is nominated, worry about him in November. Yes, he's awful. Yes, he has fascist tendencies. He is not yet the GOP nominee and the general election isn't until November. Focus!
It is easy to get caught up in fear and hysteria. Everyone wants to say, "I can't live in a country with Trump as President!" "I'll hold my nose and vote for Hillary before Trump!" That is an option. IF she is the nominee. Many of us may never vote for her, but that is mostly irrelevant now too. The important thing is to not get discouraged when Bernie has a bad night, nor to let up on our efforts. We must double our efforts. Those of us who live in states that have already voted, and have canvassed, must work the phone banks into upcoming states. Those living in the upcoming states must realize that the rallies are great and sharing memes on Facebook and across Twitter are reinforcing, but you must knock on doors, make phone calls and pester all your friends and relations to vote for Bernie.
Too many people are allowing themselves to be caught up in the news cycle and the free media that Trump and Clinton get and suddenly talking about Hillary. Stop it! Stop your friends. When anyone says they're for Bernie but are voting for Hillary in November, make them talk to your hand! Insist that she is not the nominee and it is our intention that she not be. If they are so worried about Trump, they must work harder for Bernie. Polls show he is the only candidate seeking the Democratic nomination that can beat Kasich or Cruz and he would beat Trump by a wider margin than Clinton. That means a Clinton nomination would make a Trump presidency more likely. Your insurance plan is Bernie Sanders!
Remember why we're for Bernie in the first place. He's honest; she is not. He opposed the war; she did not. He wants to break up the banks; she does not. He opposes fracking; she does not. He wants to reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act; she does not. He wants to abolish the death penalty; she does not. He refuses super-PAC money; she does not. He opposes interventionism; she does not. He rejects private prison money; she does not. And she talks about herself, while Bernie talks about us.
If you are one of those who say that if we fall short at the convention, and Clinton gets the nomination you will vote for her, remember later that you voted for the lesser of two evils. Our beliefs must not change (even if hers often do). Bernie is building a movement. The revolution goes on. We must stick together. That does not mean sticking with her. If people vote for her, as a rejection of Trump, it changes nothing about our views of her. If she becomes President, we will remember why we did not support her in the first place. We joined Bernie because we rejected what she represents. Even if she's elected, the revolution must go on. Her support of the banks, her militarism, her cronyism must be resisted. Her hollow words must be ignored. She is not for the revolution. She is not about the revolution. She is not of the revolution. She is the target of the revolution. It is her throne that we seek to overthrow!
Let's not get in a position of having to make a dreadful choice in November. Let's not get in the position of anyone having to fight the president they helped elect. Let's get the nomination right. We've got a candidate. He's made us proud. Keep working. Keep pushing.
Go Bernie!
Forward with the Revolution!!
Hot Damn!!! Your post got me FIRED UP!!! #BERNIESANDERS #Stillhim
cheers and circulated.
Couldn't agree more Jimmy! Keep fighting! #StillSanders
Excellent post- very encouraging. Just one small side issue- some of us may wish to hold our noses and vote for Trump rather than Hillary- in the event Bernie does not make it.
Wise words indeed, Jimmy. I would that every single Sanders supporter across the land would have them right in front of their faces at all times, take them to heart, and commit them to memory.
Reminds me of a piece I published at the Daily Kos just before Christmas:
This post definitely helped lift my moral. The primary is only half finished and anything can happen. Who knows? Something HUGE might happen!
I believe in jimmy.
Thank you, Jimmy! As I've been volunteering for Bernie over the months, I have had the honor of connecting with folks from all walks of life who are passionate about taking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to a whole new level for our country. Your writing embodies exactly that. Please, please continue to share these beacons of hope and conviction! With the way the MSM has been treating this movement, this revolution, we need you and your messages now more than ever!
Thank you, Jimmy! As I've been volunteering for Bernie over the months, I have had the honor of connecting with folks from all walks of life who are passionate about taking life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to a whole new level for our country. Your writing embodies exactly that. Please, please continue to share these beacons of hope and conviction! With the way the MSM has been treating this movement, this revolution, we need you and your messages now more than ever!
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