Friday, May 12, 2006

Letters: Pelosi: Impeachment is "off the table" - Salon

Letters: Pelosi: Impeachment is "off the table" - Salon: "Patriots worry about the Constitution first; politcal gain second.

No wonder people don't vote. No one represents them. This is how we keep getting into these messes. The smart boys, or in this case, Ms. Pelosi, are always looking after the main chance. She wants to take impeachment off the table because it might scare voters and prevent her from becoming Speaker of the House. She needs to worry about doing the right thing and then trusting the voters to do the same.

It appears that Bush and Cheney have broken the law. The Democrats don't have to campaign on a platform that they will impeach them, but they should not promise not to either. When/if they get a majority, they must impeach. They took an oath to defend the Constitution, not to win the Presidency in 2008.

Whether Cheney or Hastert ascend to office should not be the deciding factor. If the Democrats believe Bush or Cheney broke the law, they should impeach them and force the Senate to try them.

History shows that in a two year period, from 1973-1974, America got rid of Vice President Spriro Agnew and President Richard Nixon. Whether Hastert, or someone else, plays the role of Gerald Ford, the principal of self governement will have won. If the Democrats can't see this, they've lost all purpose. If we don't insist on this, we've lost our country.

-- jimmycarl"

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