Letters: The Pennsylvania Green Party/GOP nexus - Salon: "This is another reason why I will never be a Democrat again.
The arrogance! Those votes do not belong to the Democrats. They belong to the voter, to give to whoever he wishes. Those contributors may have been Republicans but they were probably from Pennsylvania. What's wrong with giving it to whoever they want?
What's wrong with the Green's using it to fund their petition drive? Can't the Democrats stand the competition? If they stood for something they wouldn't have to worry about third parties. And for crying out loud, abortion is not a platform. If that's all the Greens stood for, they wouldn't exist. It's the Democrats that use it as a fundraising bogeyman. Boo! Vote for us or your kid can't have an abortion.
Where have the Democrats been the last five years? They voted to let Bush have his war, his tax cuts and the Patriot Act. They've been pipsqueaks about torture and domestic spying.
Geesh. If Democrats think my voting for Nader was so wrong, in 2000, why haven't they made any noise in opposing him since? ...Never mind. Back to the point. The constitution doesn't recognize a two party system. They're not your votes. Earn them!
-- jimmycarl "